Staff Biography
Ka Yat Ngai received a B.M. degree in Music Composition at Washington State University in 2014 with Magna Cum Laude.
He has composed music for various Western musical form including: string quartet, wind quintet, solo piano, and the orchestra under the teaching of Dr. Ryan M. Hare, who was chosen as the "composer of the year" in 2012, and Dr. Scott Blasco who inspired Ngai the most for his compositional thinking.
Ngai's first orchestral piece "The Glory Fanfare" was chosen to be the competition winner for Lake Union Civic Orchestra 20th Anniversary and premiered at Seattle in April, 2015.
Along with Ngai's concentration on composition, he spent even more time on piano studies. He studied with Dr. Gerald Berthiaume, who was a winner in the United States Information Agency "Artistic Ambassador Competition" held at Stanford University in 1993. Ngai was also an accompanist for his fellow students in college.

Mr. Ka Yat Ngai
Award Winning Composer
Piano, Composition
Composition Winner for Lake Union Civic Orchestra 20th Anniversary
B.M. in Music Composition
(Washington State University, USA)